Please constantly check the main conference Web site for up to date information.
Accepted articles:
Submission 1: Arthur Vetter. Detecting operator errors in cloud maintenance operations
Submission 5: Joerg Evermann, Jana-Rebecca Rehse and Peter Fettke. Process Discovery in the Cloud – A Scalable, Distributed Implementation of the Flexible Heuristics Miner on the Amazon Kinesis Cloud Infrastructure.
Submission 6: Guillaume Rosinosky, Samir Youcef and François Charoy. A Framework for BPMS Performance and Cost Evaluation on the Cloud
The CloudBpm workshop is scheduled on December 12, 2016 (Fischbach room).
CloudBpm 2016 Program
14h30-14h40: Opening of the CloudBpm workshop (by C.M.Chituc and F.Heidari)
14h40-15h45: Keynote speech by Prof. dr. ir. Wil van der Aalst (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) – “Comparative process mining on the cloud”.
15h45-16h15: Coffee-break
16h15-16h40: “Detecting operator errors in cloud maintenance operations” by Arthur Vetter.
16h40-17h05: “Process Discovery in the Cloud – A Scalable, Distributed Implementation of the Flexible Heuristics Miner on the Amazon Kinesis Cloud Infrastructure” by Joerg Evermann, Jana-Rebecca Rehse and Peter Fettke.
17h05-17h30: “A Framework for BPMS Performance and Cost Evaluation on the Cloud” by Guillaume Rosinosky, Samir Youcef and François Charoy.
17h30-18h00: Panel on research challenges on Business Process Monitoring and Performance Analysis in the Cloud.
18h00: Closing remarks (by C.M.Chituc and F.Heidari)